At the Beechmont Clinic in Sevenoaks, we offer a comprehensive range of osteopathic services fully tailored to meet your individual needs.

Whether you are suffering from acute or chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or seeking preventive care, we have the best osteopaths here to help you.

What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a gentle hands-on approach used to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions; aiming to restore and maintain both physical and psychosocial health.

Osteopathy is a holistic and hands-on approach to healthcare that focuses on treating the body as a whole to promote health and well-being. Founded on the principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself, osteopathy emphasizes the interrelationship between the body's structure and function.

The key principles of osteopathy:

  1. The body is a unit: Osteopathy views the body as a unified and interconnected system, where each part influences the function of the whole. By addressing imbalances or dysfunctions in one area, osteopaths aim to restore harmony and optimal function throughout the body.

  2. Structure and Function: Osteopathy recognizes the intimate relationship between the body's structure (bones, muscles, joints, and connective tissues) and its function (movement, circulation, and the nervous system). Osteopaths use their hands to assess and manipulate these structures to enhance the body's natural healing mechanisms.

  3. Self-Healing Mechanism: Our osteopaths believe in the body's inherent ability to heal itself given the right conditions. Osteopathic treatment aims to facilitate this self-healing mechanism by removing barriers to health, improving circulation, and restoring balance within the body.


benefits of osteopathy

  • Pain Relief: Osteopathy aims to alleviate pain by addressing its underlying causes and restoring balance within the body.

  • Improved Mobility: Osteopathic treatment can help improve joint mobility, flexibility, and range of motion.

  • Enhanced Well-being: By promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving circulation, osteopathy supports overall health and vitality.

  • Preventive Care: Osteopathy emphasises preventive measures to maintain optimal health and prevent future injuries or illnesses.

Our treatments

Our specialist osteopathy treatments may include the following hands-on osteopathic techniques in order to get you on the road to recovery and pain free:

  • Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT)

  • Soft Tissue Manipulation

  • Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation

  • Myofascial Release techniques

  • Cranial Osteopathy

  • Postural Assessment and Correction

  • Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation

  • Ergonomic and Lifestyle Advice

  • Low Level Light Laser treatment (LLLT) - find out more here

  • Medical acupuncture/dry Needling

  • Taping

    Conveniently located in Sevenoaks, we offer individually tailored osteopathic treatments, aiming to reduce pain and discomfort in order to optimise health and well-being.

Conditions treated

Although osteopathy is often used to treat back pain and address postural issues, osteopaths also treat a wider array of health conditions such as;

generalised aches and pains

joint pain

arthritic pain

general, acute & chronic backache



frozen shoulder and shoulder pain

tennis elbow and elbow pain

sports injuries and tensions

pregnancy related pain

mechanical neck pain

headaches arising from the neck (cervicogenic)

migraine prevention

circulatory problems, cramp and muscle spasms

digestive issues



rheumatic pain